Real Talk

Summer Skincare Tips You Need To Know - HighBorn London

Summer Skincare Tips You Need To Know

UV, sweat, pollen, heat and humidity are not welcomed friends to your skin. In fact, they can really upset your complexion and set back your skincare regime without taking some...

Summer Skincare Tips You Need To Know

UV, sweat, pollen, heat and humidity are not welcomed friends to your skin. In fact, they can really upset your complexion and set back your skincare regime without taking some...

Everything You Need To Know About Your Skin’s Barrier Function - HighBorn London

Everything You Need To Know About Your Skin’s B...

Your skin's barrier function is the absolute key to the look, feel and health of your skin. And when it's in bad shape, your skin becomes extremely vulnerable to things like...

Everything You Need To Know About Your Skin’s B...

Your skin's barrier function is the absolute key to the look, feel and health of your skin. And when it's in bad shape, your skin becomes extremely vulnerable to things like...

The Truth About Retinol In Summer - HighBorn London

The Truth About Retinol In Summer

As skincare ingredients go, retinol is up there with the very best. Hovering right at the top of highly effective, derm-approved ingredients (along with the likes of vitamin C and glycolic acid)....

The Truth About Retinol In Summer

As skincare ingredients go, retinol is up there with the very best. Hovering right at the top of highly effective, derm-approved ingredients (along with the likes of vitamin C and glycolic acid)....

3 Steps To Stronger, Longer, Healthier Lashes - HighBorn London

3 Steps To Stronger, Longer, Healthier Lashes

Are your lashes getting thinner, shorter and more brittle, or just a little less luscious than they used to be? Truth is, just like your skin and the hair on...

3 Steps To Stronger, Longer, Healthier Lashes

Are your lashes getting thinner, shorter and more brittle, or just a little less luscious than they used to be? Truth is, just like your skin and the hair on...

7 Common Cleansing Mistakes You Need To Stop - HighBorn London

7 Common Cleansing Mistakes You Need To Stop

We all know cleansing is the absolute foundation for brining out your best skin. But do you know there are also right and wrong ways to cleanse your skin? And cleansing incorrectly can...

7 Common Cleansing Mistakes You Need To Stop

We all know cleansing is the absolute foundation for brining out your best skin. But do you know there are also right and wrong ways to cleanse your skin? And cleansing incorrectly can...

6 Of The Best Ways To Hydrate Your Skin - HighBorn London

6 Of The Best Ways To Hydrate Your Skin

Did you know hydrating your skin one of the most important ways to bring out your complexion? And it requires a lot more than slathering on your moisturiser morning and night and hoping...

6 Of The Best Ways To Hydrate Your Skin

Did you know hydrating your skin one of the most important ways to bring out your complexion? And it requires a lot more than slathering on your moisturiser morning and night and hoping...