10 Tips for a More Youthful You

YES! We had some sun over the weekend and of course as the summer approaches it's nice to look and feel our absolute best.

So, to help along the way, here are 10 more quick tips for a more youthful you:

  1. Ditch the cigarettes! Of course becoming less and less common but nothing ages you faster than smoking. So if you are a smokier; there's another good reason to quit!
  2. Adjust your diet. Eat at least 5 portions of fruit and vegetables, and boost your intake of omega-3 essential fatty acids and antioxidants. Avoid processed sugary foods and drink plenty of water.
  3. Exercise! A tones supple body will not only help to make you look younger, but regular exercise will make you feel and act younger too.
  4. Drink in moderation! A glass of red wine may be good the heart and contain antioxidants to help your body fight ageing free radicals. And it even contains resveratrol to stimulate lean cells and help shed fat. Now there's something to smile about!
  5. Cleans moisturise and protect your skin every day. 
  6. Get a good nights sleep.
  7. Reduce stress levels. Take time out to relax. Try perhaps yoga, massage, meditation, soak in a scented bath or whatever it takes to help you unwind.
  8. Smile and be confident. There's no surer way to shed the years!
  9. Switch up your style. Don't get stuck in a rut. Regularly overhaul your wardrobe, cosmetics, hairstyle and colour.
  10. Increase your fresh air and oxygen intake. Take a country walk or a cycle ride - you'll be exercising at the same time! 

But above all, be KIND to yourself, take it easy, relax and have fun.

Life's too short to get yourself in too much of a pickle about anything.

Have a super day, 

Tracey x

PS: You're still amazing :-) 


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