4 'Secret' Drinks to Help You Age Well! - HighBorn London

4 'Secret' Drinks to Help You Age Well!

A wise man once told me 'life's too short to deny yourself the little pleasures in life'. 

Whether liquid of food format! 

But, are there drinks that can helps us look and feel our best?

Skin rejuvenating drinks will hydrate your body and help your skin look soft and supple for years to come.

Here are just a few to start:

  • Green Tea

Used for centuries to heal common ailments, green tea is packed with powerful antioxidants which the skin and even hair loss (I bought a few packs for Henry! LOL. Not really ...).

It’s been the top beverage to help reduce cell damage that causes sagging skin and loss of firmness. Add a little honey to sweeten it for a after meal drink.

  • Oolong Tea

Oolong tea has been known to gradually brighten skin and help with pigmentation,  clearing away sun spots and age spots.

  • Pink Grapefruit Juice

An antioxidant ingredient found in grapefruit called lycopene can help combat the body’s cell that causes fine lines and sagging skin to occur. 

It’s also beneficial in helping to breakdown existing cellulite, it promotes better circulation to the layers of the skin where cellulite forms which prevents the formation of new cellulite.
  • Soy Milk

You could substitute milk for soy to add to your collagen boosting diet. Soy milk has been found to be helpful to keep your skin firm and tight. With a high quantity of flavanoids, it is beneficial to preserve collagen in the body. These antioxidants help protect the skin from sensitivity caused by sun damage.

Drink right and your skin will thank you! 

Tracey x

PS: Doesn't mean you can't have the odd glass of wine ... I do!

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