4 Tips to Help Calm Rosacea - HighBorn London

4 Tips to Help Calm Rosacea

If you've ever had red cheeks, forehead, chin and noticed dilated blood vessels and little spots then you've probably faced ROSACEA! And you're not alone!

Quite what causes it isn't fully understood. And, while I can't promise to help you completely beat it, here are some tips to help:

  1. Cleanse your face very gently twice a day. You may understandably avoid cleansing as your skin is irritated. So choose a mild non-soap cleanser, gently cleanse, rinse and gently pat dry.

  2. Moisturise every day. Whether rosacea makes your skin dry or oily, it’s important to moisturise. Moisturising helps hydrate your skin by trapping water in your skin. This can reduce irritation and make your skin feel more comfortable.

  3. Keep a diary of triggers! There are a variety of triggers that may make rosacea worse. These include alcohol, exercise, high and low temperatures, hot drinks, spicy foods and stress. 

  4. Choose rosacea friendly skin are and cosmetics and be kind to your skin. So avoid rubbing or scrubbing your face, avoid washcloths, facial sponges, or exfoliating.

And of course, consider our lovely products which while not specifically created for Rosacea, we do have tons of customers who find they really help. In particular, ORGANIC HYDRATION GELPre-Eminent Beauty Serum and Imperial Moisturiser are found by many to really help. 

Including Melina Gargalakos who was so kind to write in all the way from Australia and say "My rosacea has improved and my sensitive skin looks so much better!" 

Hope these tips help and remember that no matter what you are amazing!

How you look is only a tiny part of who you really are and what you have to offer the world. So be kind to yourself, love yourself and have an amazing day!

Tracey x 

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