5 Essential Winter Skin Care Tips - HighBorn London

5 Essential Winter Skin Care Tips

Yesterday Henry and I went for possibly the coldest run I've ever experienced. Felt like about minus 20 in the wind chill! Brrrrrrrrrrr!!!


I'm training for the London Marathon again this year to raise money for Against Breast Cancer - I managed to get a last minute place with them so need to raise money fast for them (If you do wish to sponsor me that would of course be most appreciated: https://mydonate.bt.com/fundraisers/traceybroadway1).

Plus, we're running a 46 mile ultra-marathon in May for charity too. 

But that's not what this post is about.

When I got back from my COLD run, blimey, my face knew about it! Cold, damp, driving wind was not the way to look after your complexion!

So, assuming you're more sensible than I (and I shall be sensible from now on, I promise ;-)), here are 5 top tips for looking after your skin in these freezing conditions!

  1. Don't Dry Out!

    Our skin is the barrier that keeps water inside of your body, so when it is dry and cold, water evaporates off of the surface faster and easier.

    If you have a humidifier (I'm not sure many people do!), switch it on (especially if you've got the heating right up to the max) and drink extra water. Or, one little trick I have used is to get round to doing the washing and then dry it on the radiators. Bingo! Moisture in the air!

  2. Use Gentle Products

    The last thing you want to do is go stripping your skin of all it's natural moisturise and oil. Use a gentle cleanser (like Crystal Cleanser) and other nice, natural, gentle products.

  3. Avoid Hot Showers and Baths

    The first thing I wanted yesterday was to jump straight into a hot bath! But, hot baths and showers combined with not moisturising can create cracks in the skin which can lead to redness, itching an more. 

  4. Moisturiser Often!

    This one might seem obvious, but moisturising your skin is crucial for keeping it hydrated throughout the winter.

    Apply your moisturiser as soon as you get out of the bath to help your skin feel nice and smooth and help trap in hydration.

  5. Avoid Going Out with Damp Skin

    It's very easy to head out with wet hands, or just after a shower but just like your lips can chap in the cold due to moisture so can your face and hands! So make sure you're nice and dry before you head out.

Oh ... and one more thing ...

If you have snow, ENJOY IT!

I know it can be a pain but do your best to ignite your inner child. Get out there if you can with friends, family, children and use it as a way to have FUN!

We'll be out there today no matter what and big Henry WILL be getting a snowball in the face courtesy of myself ... 

Have fun!

Tracey x

PS: Remember to look yourself in the eye in the mirror today and remind yourself how amazing you are x.

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