#1 Tip to Beat Festive Fatigue and Overflow with Energy Instead! - HighBorn London

#1 Tip to Beat Festive Fatigue and Overflow with Energy Instead!

If you want to keep your energy high, look fantastic this Christmas and STILL enjoying yourself - read on.
Cardiovascular exercise is the key! It's the secret. The #1 way to switch festive fatigue for overflowing energy. But that doesn't mean you have to run a marathon!
Health professionals recommend 30 minutes of moderate exercise three to five times a week.
What type of cardiovascular exercises can you do?
Try to make cardiovascular exercise part of your daily routine. Walking, cycling, jogging, swimming badminton, tennis and more are great.
Try to include long slow distance training - interval training - tempo training and repetition training.
If you find it hard to begin then stick to shorter intervals at a steady pace to get the most out of your routine.
So What Does Cardiovascular Exercise Do For Your Health?
  • Slows Down Health Conditions
    Working out your heart can reduce your blood pressure and prevent ailments. From diabetes to heart conditions.
  • Control Weight Gain
    If you’re looking to drop those last few pounds then exercise plus a healthy diet is the key! Losing weight happens at a slow and steady pace. Add 30 minutes to an hour-long cardio routine and watch your weight fall off!

  • Feel Great!
    After a tough workout, your body releases endorphins. These act as the body’s natural painkillers. These endorphins boost your mood and induce positive emotions and euphoria. Who doesn’t love to feel like they’re on cloud 9!?

  • Sharpens Your Mind
    Regular exercise has an amazingly positive effect on the brain! It can even help strengthen your mind and stimulate your memory. Who knew exercising can help keep your memory skills sharp?!
But most all!
Placing a little focus on exercise this coming Christmas will make Chrismas better! How? Because when it comes to a second helping of turkey to Christmas pud then you won’t have to think twice!
We only have one body, one life to live…make it count (and have fun)!
Tracey x
PS: This isn’t medical advice so please talk to your doctor about taking up exercise if it’s new for you.
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