Your Autumn Skincare Routine Made Easy - HighBorn London

Your Autumn Skincare Routine Made Easy

If you’ve been hit by the Autumn weather like bolt from the blue, you’re not the only one!

The days have suddenly gotten colder, darker and blankets have been taken out of the closet and the central heating back on 'timed'! 

But don't worry, today, you’ll discover exactly what to focus on in order to determine the right Autumn skincare routine for you. The summer glow doesn’t have to go away, you just have to keep chasing it with the right routine.

Here we go:


This is a tricky one, as for some exfoliation is EVERYTHING, while others with sensitive skin dread having to exfoliate as this can be irritating.

The good thing is, you won’t have to exfoliate as often as you did in the summer.

As your skin gets dry and flaky, it’s going to have a lot of excess dead skin that needs to be removed. So, when facing fading tans and skin unevenness: ‘Exfoliation is key.’

What this will do is reveal brighter and lighter skin that’s underneath.

GOOD NEWS: We have an amazing natural, gentle exfoliator which will be with us within about 2 to 3 weeks! If you want to keep updated be sure to comment of this post x


Cleansing should be a part of your basics. With a cleanser, we suggest going for a creamy, gentle cleanser. If you’re already using one, good for you! If not, invest in one. Throw caution to the wind and give a new product a go. Our Crystal Cleanser has some fantastic reviews.  


After you’ve patted your skin dry, I recommend going for a hydrating serum or booster right after the cleanser.

I really love serums; they make all the difference. You can mix and match, and target them to suit your personal skin needs.


This season requires something more luxurious. Heavy duty. Don’t be alarmed. Rich creams aren’t necessarily going to cause a breakout and irritate your skin. Moisturisers designed specifically to not clog your pores and irritate your skin like our Imperial Moisturiser are best. 


When you’ve found your favourites, and you’re ready for your skincare happily ever after (or at least until Winter), we recommend you treat yourself with some extras, such as a good, natural night cream. Or a healing gel like our Organic Hydration Gel that's going to tackle your personal skin issues such as rosacea, acne or wrinkles. 

And finally, don’t forget to give it all an extra boost by adding some powerful and healthy superfoods to your shopping list like blueberries, raspberries, broccoli and food from all the colours of the rainbow. 

Tie it all in together and let yourself truly enjoy this autumn.

You are amazing!

Talk soon, Tracey x

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