Secrets to Perfect Eyebrows - HighBorn London

Secrets to Perfect Eyebrows

Your eyebrows are super important for looking wide awake and youthful.

So if you'd like the secrets to perfect eyebrows then keep reading.

One of the biggest self-confidence bashing parts of the chemotherapy I faced to beat breast cancer was losing my eyebrows!

Looks aren’t everything and indeed how attractive you are is as much (if not more) to do with your inner person BUT, there’s no skipping around the fact that certain things can knock your self-confidence.

So I had to be pretty creative with the old eyebrow pencil!

And I learnt a lot about what’s considered the ‘perfect’ eyebrow shape.

So if you've suffered from over-plucked brows or thinly-shaped brows or indeed a not so nice experience like mine then try these few simple tips:

How to Get The Perfect Eyebrow Shape

Your eyebrows consist of 3 major points- the start, arch and the tail. You NEVER to want a straight brow, an arch will help give the appearance of a lifted eye.

Always start your eyebrow to be lined from the side of your nose straight up on the same side of your face, any brow hair that exceeds should be tweezed.

The next point should be your arch, it should be diagonally lined to your nostril for the perfect shape.

The tail end of your brow should measure from the outer corner when lined with your nose.

If you've measured your brows, you can gently tweeze any excess hair once you've reached your desired shape.

Remember to only tweeze the strays one by one to avoid over-plucking!

How to Keep the Perfect Eyebrows all Day

There are plenty of brow powders, gels and pencils to help fill in your brows for a natural and defined shape. Chances are if you're planning a long day out, powders and pencils will feather and fade. Using a liquid formula pen style brow product will give the most natural effect on the eyes.

If you think you've accidentally applied too much product, you can take a clean mascara brush out the 'hair'.

How to Naturally Help Grow your Eyebrows

If you've spent years recklessly tweezing your eyebrows or faced chemo or something like me, chances are they've thinned considerably.

A good method to encourage re-growth is to massage a little bit of castor oil into your eyebrows.

Castor oil is rich in ricinoleic acid which is effective for use as a natural anti-bacterial and anti-fungal agent which can help new hair growth. The thick oil nourishes the hair and skin to deeply penetrate the follicle.

Simply dab a little oil on your eyebrows before going to bed each night.

There you have it! I love a perfected brow look, and it only takes a few seconds to master your brows.

Once your brows are done, you’ll notice how your face shape looks more flattering than before.

Looking bright-eyed and beautiful starts from within so no matter what, when you look in the mirror in the morning remember to tell yourself that YOU ARE AMAZING!

And I mean that ... because you are x

Talk soon,

Tracey x

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