Shouldn't You Age Gracefully and Not Worry About How You Look? - HighBorn London

Shouldn't You Age Gracefully and Not Worry About How You Look?

"Shouldn't you just age gracefully and not worry about how you look?"

BOOM - what a question!

Over the last few weeks I've spent hours talking to journalists about my story from Mum of two to cancer at 34 to now helping tens of thousands of people look and fantastic no matter what. 

And that question comes up all the time.

And my answer is always the same.




Every line, every wrinkle, every little sign of your, my, our lives having been lived is just as (if not more)  beautiful than a fresh, smooth, baby face at the start of this wonderful journey we call life.

It's not your fault you age and you shouldn't let anyone let you feel bad about yourself and never pay attention to anything that does. 

And it is my belief (and I in no way suggest you should join me) that we should not worry about how we look, what other people think of us, how attractive we are, how many compliments we get.

Indeed when I was in the middle of chemotherapy, hair falling out, eyebrows gone, face pale and gaunt no matter there was no way I could look like my former self - it couldn't happen. 

So what to do?

See myself in the mirror and cry every day?

Pretend it wasn't happening?

Stay indoors and not go out?

Or just accept it, love myself anyway and do everything I possibly could to beat it and keep going.

That's not the same as just getting older and not looking the same as I when we're younger I know BUT, the feelings, the emotions are similar.


Something that I don't think quite fits in the box of 'just age gracefully' - it's not that simple.

It's about how YOU feel about YOURSELF.

About how confident YOU feel about yourself. About YOUR self-esteem. 

Simply, it's about YOU.

Ageing gracefully and looking YOUR best are not mutually exclusive.

You can age gracefully, love yourself, feel good about yourself AND at the same time do your best to look and feel YOUR best. 

And why not? Feeling good about yourself is not going to harm anyone else! Rather it will help you be your best self and add more to the world!

It's just human nature ... the way we're wired ... and trying to deny it or change is perhaps both unnecessary and more stressful than need be.

Confidence comes from looking and feeling YOUR best. Stepping out each day feeling great about yourself.

And that's my goal for you. To help you feel fantastic about yourself no matter what. Through our products, through my experience rebuilding my health after cancer and rebuilding my fitness and well being from the same. 

So what do you think? 

Tracey x

PS: Keep smiling, you'll be amazed how it'll lift you day :-)

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