Can Children Teach You Happiness this Christmas (and forever)? - HighBorn London

Can Children Teach You Happiness this Christmas (and forever)?

How do you feel about the festive season?
For some, it's the best time of year. For others, it's like battling a raging storm while treading on eggshells and fending off arrows! 
So how do you survive, sanity intact? Read on.
I was listening to a Radio 4 interview last week with a man from Harvard (but it may have been another university).
He had researched why some children grew up happy and successful and some didn't.
The difference boiled down to two things (and they weren't education or income or location!).
  1. The ability to solve problems. And that makes sense because life is a series of challenges to overcome.

  2. Most CRITICALLY ... an OPTIMISTIC outlook.
Why was and optimistic outlook critical?
Because if you have a pessimistic you'll struggle to solve problems in your life. You'll struggle because you'll tell yourself you can't.
BUT if you're optimistic you'll look for how you can - and then you will! And you'll be happier!
So, when Uncle Jim throws a wobbly this Christmas, Aunty Millie makes a horrid comment, the turkey is dry or anything else gets thrown in your path, try this advice ... be OPTIMISTIC about the outcome and get solving the situation!
Have an amazing day!
Tracey x
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