Harmful Cosmetic Ingredients You'll Want to Avoid - HighBorn London

Harmful Cosmetic Ingredients You'll Want to Avoid


Wearing too much makeup on a daily basis WILL clog your pores and can speed up ageing. Even worse, there are ingredients you'll want to avoid.

It's not your fault they're in so many products and you deserve to know about them.

Here are three on my 'no, no' list  of ingredients to avoid:

  1. Mineral Oils

    Essentially a “filler” in most base products…like foundations, creams and primers. Mineral Oil has been linked to clogging pores. If you have issues with acne, whiteheads, blackheads and breakouts…you might want check your skincare!

    This ingredient prevents the skin to naturally perspire which clogs pores leading to acne related issues. Instead, go for organic ingredients Vitamins A, C, and E as an alternative to products with mineral oil.

    Coconut oil is one of the best ways to replenish the skin and helps to heal and rejuvenate damaged skin cells (our Pre-Eminent Beauty Serum is packed with these goodies)

  2. Parabens

    Parabens Just like smoking, it's well understood now that parabens are not good for you.

    Parabens have been known to increase sensitivity from the sun especially with longer UV exposure. This can lead to an increase in signs of ageing such as sun spots and wrinkles.

    All HighBorn products are paraben and sulphate free to leave your skin beautifully nourished and illuminated.

  3. Nail Polishes Nasties

    Toxic chemicals can not only harm your nails but smelling the chemicals and touching your skin with them is not ideal.

    Look for nail polishes that are free from the toxic 5 chemicals formaldehyde, dibutyl phthalate, and toluene along with the allergens camphor and formaldehyde resin.These harmful carcinogens can do everything from disrupt your endocrine system to some reports of potentially causing cancer over a prolonged duration.

    Brands that offer 5 free nail polishes can be used without any harmful side effects while preventing your nails from turning yellow and discolouration.

At HighBorn in our endeavours to help you look and feel fantastic (safely) we are actively looking at launching 5-Free Nail Polish and will keep you informed!

So keep your eyes peeled and avoid products with these ingredients! There are more to avoid and I'll be back with those in another post.

Have a fantastic day!

Tracey x

PS: No matter what; remember that you really are amazing and capable of anything and everything you put your mind to. 

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