Why Hyaluronic Acid is So Important for Your Skin - HighBorn London

Why Hyaluronic Acid is So Important for Your Skin

You've likely heard of hyaluronic acid but WHAT is it and what does it DO? Let’s find out.

Hyaluronic acid can be found in many forms and in a multitude of formulations of cosmetic products, but it also completely natural occurs in our body. Think of it as a magnet of moisture. It is able to hold up to 1,000 times its own weight in water. This translates to never-ending supplies of precious hydration. Have no fear, the scales won’t tip over so that your skin is hydrated more than necessary.

It is present in spaces in between skin cells, in large quantities, and ensures that your skin is supple, firm and plump.

Naturally, the resources become depleted with age, as we begin to produce less hyaluronic acid than in our youth. 

Helps Keep Dry Skin At Bay

Applied topically, it can help with dry skin all throughout the day. Whether it’s just seasonal dryness, that tends to manifest through parches pieces of skin, or dry skin type, it can help retain moisture.

Improves Elasticity

Another great benefit comes when you find your skin is not as firm as it used to be. Hyaluronic acid will aid in improving elasticity.

Anti-Aging Benefits

It can be helpful in improving the appearance of scars, but also wrinkles and fine lines and help you keep that youthful glow and radiance you love.

It may also help repair collagen and together they work to keep your skin smooth and firm.

For All Skin Types

All skin types LOVE this acid. Whether you have dry skin or oily skin, or even sensitive skin, you can use it without giving it a second thought. It’s known for its calming and soothing properties, so if acne-prone or rosacea, ’ any nasty flares at.

You’ll be able to find it in our Imperial Moisturiser, Night Elixir and Pre-Eminent Beauty Serum, so you’re never again parted with this precious ingredient.

Have an amazing day,

Tracey x

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